We all need resilience (from strength, not shame) and vulnerability and to give our partner the room to express each of those in the way s/he needs to.
What to Say (and Not) to Someone Who’s Grieving
Marilyn Mendoza wrote: “Remember that there is no magic wand that can take away the pain and grief. The best any of us can do is to be there & be supportive.” My mother, an articulate and highly accomplished writer, began to lose much of what she valued a few years ago.
The Biggest Lie We Keep Telling Ourselves About…
Love is not a goal that you’ll ever arrive at and be able to check off your list. It’s something that takes much of a lifetime to actually understand.
“Just Trust Your Heart”⏤Bad Advice for Good Relationships
When you are trying to decide whether a person is right for you, idealistic advisers may tell you to “just trust your heart.” Not a good idea.
Constantly Getting Defensive? Here’s Your 4-Step Solution
Being highly defensive does not mean you are somehow deficient or a bad person. It most likely means that you are harder on yourself than others are.
Marriage Helps Health: Study Claims Uncontested Advantages
New research indicates that good health is an additional benefit of a healthy and happy marriage: the happier the marriage, the longer the life.