Be Right or Be Married

Do they move on, forgive, let it go, and appreciate that different preferences are not right or wrong? Do they focus on the things that work?

The Toothpick Man

I remembered some advice I heard when I had small kids: “Catch your child doing something right.”

Teaching a Cat to Bark

The idea of radically accepting “what is” requires letting go of how we think things should be…and getting on with “loving what is.”

Wholeheartedness and Impact

Imagine a small gesture to impact this world and those in it some way, each day. What is one thing you could do, right now, to begin?

RIP Aunt Tita

As Aunt Tita shows us, what matters most to human beings is a connection to others — belonging to a community and caring for it.

What Is Your Story?

The stories we tell ourselves, especially those we are unaware can profoundly shape our lives and relationships.